about us

Canmore Community Housing (CCH) is a non-profit corporation wholly owned by the Town of Canmore and is operated as an independent organization. Established in 2000, we support a more sustainable community by providing a range of “Below Market” housing that is appropriate for the community’s needs. We achieve this through research, education and advocacy through our Vital Homes program, previously called Perpetually Affordable Housing.


Canmore has a strong and diverse housing market that supports its economic and social well-being and sustainability.


To bridge Canmore’s housing affordability gap through long-term housing options for Canmore’s workers.


Planning & Development
Housing Programs
Research & Advice



Canmore Community Housing Portfolio Inventory

Vital Homes Own Program

Vital Homes Rent Program


Number of Units


Number of Units

7th Street 5 plex


The Hector


Coyote Ridge


McArthur Place


Hawks Bend


Wolf Willow


Lookout Ridge


1850 Palliser


Mineside Court


7th & 7th


Riverdale Centre


Spring Creek Mountain Village




Wolf Willow


Ravens Ridge






Last Updated: February 5, 2024

Canmore Community Housing Portfolio Inventory

Vital Homes Own Program


Number of Units

7th Street 5 plex


Coyote Ridge


Hawks Bend


Lookout Ridge


Mineside Court


7th & 7th




Spring Creek Mountain Village




Wolf Willow


Ravens Ridge




Vital Homes Own Program


Number of Units

The Hector


McArthur Place


Wolf Willow


1850 Palliser




Last Updated: April 6, 2022


Kristopher Mathieu

Executive Director


Drew Steinhauer

Development Coordinator


Mark Tkacz

Housing Programs Manager 


Jeffry Chaves

Finance & Corporate Services Manager


board of directors

Rob Murray,

Jessie Fonseca,

Todd Kunst,

Jamie Findlay,

Leah Lechelt

Dan Roycroft


Jeff Hilstad

Jeff Mah

Joanna McCallum


Our Board of Directors and staff provide CCH with tremendous expertise and leadership. Their insights inform our Business Plan and Strategic Plan, in alignment with Town of Canmore policies and regional assessments, to provide housing solutions for a healthy and balanced community. This work is done in a fiscally responsible and transparent manner. All Board meetings are open to the public and budget and audited statements are available below.

frequently asked questions

For more than 20 years, we have created opportunities for local individuals and families to call Canmore home on a permanent basis. Here are a few of the frequently asked questions about our work.

Did the Vital Homes Program replace the Perpetually Affordable Housing Program?

In September 2020, CCH re-named the Perpetually Affordable Housing (PAH) Program to the Vital Homes program to better characterize the program and needs of the community. While the program itself remains the same, the new name better represents CCH’s aspirations to bring homeownership within reach, and providing below market rental and ownership options to Canmore residents.

Is Vital Homes the same as subsidized housing?

The answer is no. Subsidized housing, or social housing, is funded through provincial programs which offer funding to low income households who meet certain income limits or are in accommodation which exceed a threshold proportion of their household income. There are other provincial and/or non-profit agencies that provide housing for this need, the most prominent local option being Bow Valley Regional Housing. Vital Homes provided by CCH are below market rental and ownership units which meets the needs of Canmore residents who qualify for CCH programs and is not subsidized by the province. The CCH Vital Homes Rental program is designed to offer rental units at a minimum of 10% below the average market rate, and in the CCH Vital Homes Ownership program, prices are kept below market through market restriction and our resale formula.

How does CCH confirm eligibility?

CCH program eligibility is determined through income testing and a demonstration of connection to Canmore through employment, residency, or a combination of both employment and residency. While eligibilty pathways are similar in a broad sense, be sure to check specific requirements for both the Vital Homes Ownership and Rental programs, as there are some differences between the two.

How many rental units does CCH have in its portfolio?

There are 110 units in CCH’s rental portfolio, including 60 at The Hector, located on Palliser Lane, 48 at McArthur Place, located on Dyrgas Lane in Three Sisters Mountain Village (TSMV), and the remaining 2 units being located at Wolf Willow Condominium Corporation (TSMV). CCH anticipates conversion of these remaining Wolf Willow units to Vital Homes Ownership units before the end of 2024.

Who approves rental applications/applicants?

CCH administration approves applications within policies approved by the Board of Directors.

Who approves the rental rates that CCH charges?

Rental rates are approved by CCH administration, on an annual basis, within policies approved by the Board of Directors.

I’ve heard CCH owns other buildings such as the Blakiston, Vue, or Rundle House, is that correct?

CCH does not own the Blakiston condominium (or any units within this building), or the Vue and Rundle House buildings, and is also not involved with the management of this property. While some units were purchased under an Attainable Housing model by the developer, Blakiston is considered a market condominium, and the Vue and Rundle House buildings are considered market rental buildings.

How many ownership units does CCH have?

There are currently 169 homeownership units in CCH’s portfolio. In addition to this, over time, CCH will be bringing other ownership units into the portfolio through private sector developments where the developer has promised to provide Vital Homes units as a function of their development approval.

I’ve heard all the homeownership units are of a leasehold tenure?

Most of CCH’s Vital Homes properties are acquired by purchasers under a leasehold tenure, coupled with a restrictive covenant and option agreement. Vital Homes owners either acquire a 100 year total leasehold interest with new builds or assume the remaining leasehold which defines the interests, roles and responsibilities of all parties.  With respect to these properties, CCH holds a Restrictive Covenant and Option Agreement on Title; these legal instruments are registered with the homeowner’s agreement as a condition of purchase.

What limitations are put on Vital Homes owners?

The Leases and Restrictive Covenants/Option Agreements extend CCH the rights as outlined in these Agreements, namely that the properties remain the owner’s primary residence, the future resale of the property is price restricted and that CCH has an option to purchase the property when the owner wishes to sell.

How does CCH ensure it is the owners’ primary residence?

On an annual basis, homeowners must sign a declaration indicating they are using the property as their primary residence. In addition to this, should CCH receive a complaint that a property is not being used as one’s primary residence, the matter will be investigated and if not in compliance, CCH would enforce the requirement immediately. Should you suspect any residence is not occupied in compliance with CCH policies, please contact us here.

Who owns CCH?

There are two shareholders of CCH, the Town of Canmore, represented by Town Council and the chief administrative officer (CAO) of the Town of Canmore, who holds their share in trust for the Town of Canmore.

Who oversees CCH operations?

The shareholder appoints a Board of Directors who governs the administration of CCH. The Board is comprised of five public members and four Council member representatives from the Town of Canmore, and one senior administrative personnel liaison from the Town of Canmore (non-voting). Board terms are offset revolving two-year terms.

How often does the Board meet?

The Board meets the first Thursday of the month. Approved meeting minutes are posted on CCH’s website here.

How is CCH funded?

CCH’s operational costs are currently offset through funds collected by the Town of Canmore. These funds are derived from tax contributions: specifically, from the Vital Homes mill rate. The current residential mill rate (2024) is 0.01937 of the total rate of 4.37305. This means that for a $1 million dollar home, the annual tax assessment would be approximately $4,373 (rounded) with $19.30 earmarked for Vital Homes. More information can be found on the Town of Canmore website through this link: https://canmore.ca/residents/property-tax/rates-assessments.

Who approves CCH’s budget?

CCH’s Board of Directors approve the budget, subject to final approval by The Town of Canmore.

Can I see CCH’s budget?

Yes, the budget and audited statements are available through our website.

Should you have any other questions, please contact CCH directly at 403-609-9983.