High cost of living continues to be a challenge for many residents of Canmore. This represents a significant social challenge for the community. The primary purpose of the Vital Homes Rent Program is to provide affordable housing to Moderate Income Canmore workers who are unable to afford to rent suitable housing on the open market. If you are interested in renting a home below market rates through the Vital Homes Rent Program, follow these steps to apply rent your home in Canmore.

1. Complete the application form and gather your documents.
Every adult who will be living in the home must complete and sign the application form. Use additional forms if more than two adults are applying. The eligibility criteria and supporting documentation required to apply are specified in each section of the application. If your circumstances are unusual or if you are unsure about a particular section of the form, call our office.

2. Make an appointment with CCH to submit your application.

Call 403-609-9983 ext. 103 or email, to arrange a time to bring in your completed application and supporting documents. At this meeting, CCH will verify and copy identity documents and review your application to ensure it is complete. Each applicant will be required to sign a statutory declaration stating that all the information provided is truthful and accurate and that the applicant is aware of the terms and conditions of the program. Plan to spend approximately 30 minutes in the meeting and for all applicants to attend. CCH does not accept electronic applications, all applications must be submitted in-person

3. Get on the waitlist
CCH reviews all completed applications and verifies the information within 7-10 business days pending availability of supplied references. CCH will contact you to let you know if you have met the eligibility criteria and have been confirmed for your suitability to rent. If so, CCH will provide you with an approval letter and place you on the applicable Vital Homes Rent Waitlist(s). PEKA, the authorized leasing agent, will contact you when a unit becomes available.

 *Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted



To qualify and rent a Vital Homes unit with CCH, your household must meet specific Eligibility Criteria. Please review the criteria below to determine if you/your household are eligible to apply.

1. All adults residing in the household, except those over the age of 18 who CCH deems a dependent, must be a Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or have a valid Canadian work permit.

2. One of the following three employment/residency categories must apply to all adult circumstances.

  • A.       Canmore Employment

             i.      An Applicant who currently works in Canmore a minimum average of 20 hours per week with a licenced                                Canmore business; OR 

            ii.      An Applicant who is self-employed with a Canmore business licence performing services for the business in                          Canmore no less than 20 hours per week;  OR

           iii.      As a spouse, not working or not working a minimum average of 20 hours per week in Canmore, who is a                                homemaker caring for dependents or who works in the Bow Valley a minimum average of no less than 20 hours                  per week 

         This category also includes those on maternity leave or sick/disability leave from an eligible employer, or those having       accepted a bonafide job offer.

    B.       Canmore Employment or Residency History: An applicant who is retired or in receipt of a disability benefit (ie                       AISH) and can demonstrate that;

             i.      They have three (3) cumulative years of employment history in Canmore working a minimum average of no less                     than 20 hours per week; for retirees, this is calculated in the five (5) years prior to retirement; OR 

            ii.      At least five (5) years Canmore residency within the 10-year period prior to applying

           This category also includes the spouse or caregiver of the qualifying applicant.

    C.       Canmore Long-term Resident

             i.      An Applicant (singular) who currently resides in Canmore and for whom Canmore was their primary residence                      for a minimum of five (5) years within the 10-year period prior to applying and is employed in the Bow Valley for                  no less than twenty (20) hours per week;

            ii.      A spouse who is a homemaker caring for dependents.

 3. Your gross household income must be less than shown in the chart below in the previous tax year as reported on Line 15000 of your CRA Tax Notice of Assessment.

Unit Size Income Limit
Studio* $84,641
1 Bedroom $107,725
2 Bedroom $130,809
3 Bedroom $153,892

*Note: Studio units are located only at The Hector.

3. Your must not own any residential real estate, in Canada or in the world, at the time of application.

If you meet all of the criteria above, then you likely qualify to rent a Vital Homes property, pending confirmation of your eligibility, availability of homes and, your suitability as a tenant. Should you have any questions, please contact our office at 403-609-9983.

Rental property information